Curcuma longa L. (turmeric) of ginger family (Zingiberoside) belongs to the group of oldest cultivated spice plants in the south-east Asian countries. For many years rhizome of this plant has been used also as a safe and active drug for the treatment of various. Chronic diseases, especially of diabetes mellitus (DM). The active substance of turmeric - curcumin (diferuloylmethane), possesses multiple therapeutic properties. In recent years, many detailed research (tests in veto and in vivo) along with clinical trials have revealed its very valuable biological activities related to its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and cancer preventive properties, which are presented in numerous publications (1-6). At the molecular level it has been stated that curcumin inhibits cell proliferation, metastasis creation and apoptosis. Currently, great attention has been focused on curcumin as a blocker of TNF-s, which are the principal mediators of most inflammation-related disturbances (7). The main cause of blocking the broadly extended pharmacological and clinical investigations of curcumin is its extremely low solubility in water and in organ fluids. This feature consequently limits its systemic bioavailability and makes use of curcumin as a therapeutic remedy (to date) difficult. The primary aim of presently conducted research is to achieve increased solubilization and bioavailability of this promising nontoxic agent.